Haaave you met… the fancy Optiweb Strings?

Haaave you met… the fancy Optiweb Strings?

No? Really? That’s a real shame, bro. But no need to worry, because our product specialist will tell you all about it. Ready? Set? String (along)!


A brand-new type of coating

These beautiful bastards are called the Optiweb Strings – and come with a state-of-the-art brand-new type of coating. And what exactly is so start-of-the-art about them, you ask? Well, that’s an easy one: because it is, by far, the thinnest coating you will find on a guitar string on the market right now.


The Optiweb Strings: best of both worlds

And you probably want to know why that is the case, amiright? Well, on the one hand, you will have the great tone and the long life of a coated guitar string. But on the other hand, you will also have the sound and feel of a natural, uncoated guitar string. And it’s this awesome combination that makes sure that these strings are the perfect solution for approximately any guitar player out there.


Hurry up and come check ’m out at our shop!

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Source: www.algambenelux.be