TC Electronic announces PolyTune Clip, the world’s first polyphonic clip-on tuner.
Once again TC Electronic has set the bar for modern tuning technology with PolyTune Clip and this time they’ve set it higher than ever!
Not only have they managed to distill their game-changing polyphonic tuning technology into its smallest enclosure to date, they’ve actually improved it while doing so, making PolyTune Clip their best polyphonic tuner yet.
Now add to the mix a blindingly fast and accurate chromatic tuner, a strobe tuner mode with an unprecedented +/- 0.02 cent pin-point precision and there’s no doubt that PolyTune Clip is sure to satisfy everyone from the casual bedroom player to the hardened gigging pro.
PolyTune Clip also features an ultra-bright adaptive display that automatically detects if all strings are strummed at once or if individual notes are plucked. It also automatically flips the screen to guarantee a perfect readout no matter where it’s placed on the headstock. All of these futuristic features are housed in a small, elegant yet durable design with a high-end stainless steel clip that ensures that PolyTune Clip stays locked-in even under the harshest gigging conditions. PolyTune Clip is without a shadow of a doubt the epitome of what every tuning device should strive to be.
- Polyphonic Tuner
- Chromatic Tuner (+/-0.5 cent)
- New ultra-precise strobe tuner (+/- 0.02 cent)
- Ultra-bright and easy to read display
- Adaptive screen – Ensures a perfect readout no matter where you place PolyTune Clip
- Elegant yet durable design
- High-quality stainless steel clip
Source: http://www.tcelectronic.com