Hear Two Songs from Dick Boak and Craig Thatcher's New Album, 'Under the Supermoon'

Hear Two Songs from Dick Boak and Craig Thatcher's New Album, 'Under the Supermoon'

Dick Boak, director of museum, archives and special projects at Martin Guitar, has released a new album, Under the Supermoon, with Craig Thatcher.

The disc, which has been available since March 6, is an engaging mix of blues, Americana and alternative and has been Boak and Thatcher‘s pet project for the past two years.

As expected, it features expertly mixed acoustic and electric —played by Thatcher—and is peppered with autoharp (played by Boak), bass, piano, violin, accordion, tuba and light percussion.

“The CD features 10 of my original songs, and my vocals, plus three surprising covers and one reprise,” Boak says. “An array of great musicians joined us … and we are very proud of the result.

“I was thinking about moons, planets and their similarity to people—about concentric orbits and the gravity of closeness. Concurrently, in the final three lunar cycles of 2016, it seemed these songs were somehow being extricated and congealed in the cool thin air beneath the supermoon. But the truth is, these songs are simply the collaborative efforts of [the musicians on the album].

“Like the supermoon, it may simply be a matter of proximity.”

You can access Under the Supermoon on iTunes, CD Baby, Google Play, Amazon and Spotify.

Under the Supermoon Track List
1. Fields of Joy
2. Jersey Diner
3. Lonely When You’re Gone
4. My Old Shoes
5. Amnesia
6. Blue Turns to Grey
7. Sad
8. Seconds of Your Love
9. Eatily
10. Understand
11. Talkin’ JFK
12. Bring It on Home to Me
13. Containers
14. Eatily Reprise

For more information, visit dickboak.com—and be sure to check out two songs below.

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Source: www.guitarworld.com