20 Classic Telecaster Guitar Riffs in One Take

20 Classic Telecaster Guitar Riffs in One Take

In this fantastic new video from our friends over at Reverb, guitarist Joe Shadid takes on 20 of the greatest Telecaster riffs of all time—in one take.

From Elvis to Prince to Johnny Cash to Rage Against the Machine, Shadid just about covers the full scope of the Telecaster’s remarkable history in two and a half minutes. You can check the video out above.

Fender recently released its latest variation on the Telecaster, the Troublemaker Tele. Merging an American Professional Tele neck with a large Strat headstock, plus a mahogany body and a bound, bookmatched maple top and lacquer finish, the guitar certainly lives up to its name.

You can watch John 5 take the guitar for a spin below.

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Source: www.guitarworld.com