What's up with the Cutlass/Caprice bridges?

What's up with the Cutlass/Caprice bridges?

Hey everyone
I just looked at Bovinehosts Caprice pics, and noticed the bridge does not have anchor bolts:confused:
Then, looking at the Musicman site I see it has hollow saddles, so now I am real curious about the why’s:) (Yes I do remember there being hollow saddles waaaay back, but I can’t remember why they were changed out for solid ones)
I can of course guess: Using just a few normal screws might make the bass sound a bit “older” in style with the passive theme, and perhaps the hollow saddles do something similar…
But: I don’t know, and I couldn’t find an answer quick enough, so please enlighten me, or come up with alternative theories, or maybe someone in the know will pop in and educate me:)

Och, and it’s nice to be back, great to see the forum alive and well:)


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Source: http://forums.ernieball.com