Sterling Cutlass Neck vs EBMM

Sterling Cutlass Neck vs EBMM


I’ve played a variety of EBMM/Sterling guitars now (Sterling Cutlass, Valentine, AlbertLee, Stingray, JP and EBMM Valentine, Stingray, Silhouette) and I’ve got my eye on an EBMM Cutlass right now.

I found the Sterling Cutlass neck very, very thin. Probably the thinnest neck I’ve ever used. Is this the same as the EBMM cutlass? How does it compare to the other guitars I listed above? I’ve also read that the EBMM cutlass neck is similar to the Stingray neck, but the Sterling cutlass was like half the thickness of the EBMM stingray I owned.

I can’t find a local store that has a Cutlass in stock, so I’m about to blindly buy one online but I’m hesitant so I’m asking the experts here.

Side note, but related: One thing I’ve noticed is some of the Sterling neck profiles are pretty different from their EBMM counterparts. They have different fretboard radius, and the neck profiles feel different. I think it’s kind of weird since you’d think if you liked the budget version of a guitar, the EBMM version would be the same instrument just higher quality. In one case, I actually liked the Sterling fretboard radius better (Stingray – 12″ vs 10″). I’m curious to know the rationale behind the differences.

Thanks and happy new year

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