Sentry Noisy

Sentry Noisy

Good afternoon,
I seem to have a strange issue with the Sentry as follows (all cables are either good Fender Cable or good MXR short links):
When in the Chain Guitar  > Sentry > Amp: the Sentry does its job perfectly without any noise (this tests the pedal).
When in the Chain Guitar > Hypergravity > MojoMojo > DreamScape > Sentry: The Sentry produces a high frequency noise as soon as fed and activated. This sound volume and tone blend changes accordingly with the other pedals activations.
Of course a proper Sentry Threshold setting cuts off the noise when decreasing but the noise is there on top of the sound when playing.

Note I cannot change the > Hypergravity > MojoMojo > DreamScape > chain which gives the best results to my taste.
Thanks in advance for your help

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