Question: Neck profiles… (EBMM/Sterling Cutlass mainly)
I’d been looking for an S-type guitar for a few months and had played a couple (Fender CS and Elite, Suhr Classic S and something else that I’ve forgotten) but none of them really gelled with me.
I’d been reading about the EBMM Cutlass and came across a great deal for a Sterling version and I thought I would go for this in case I ended up deciding that S-types weren’t for me after all.
I collected it and instantly fell in love. My only gripe is that it is a tad heavy (well, heavier than my main Tele and moreso than I expected it to be) but the neck profile is almost perfect for me.
I decided I should get an EBMM Cutlass a month or two ago and tried one out in a store… but didn’t like the neck as much?! It just didn’t feel anything like the Sterling but I’m not sure whether it is radically different or whether I just wasn’t feeling it that day. I just didn’t get the same ‘wow’ factor that I did the first time I picked up the Sterling Cutlass.
I also played a L3 for the first time that day and preferred that neck but still not as much as the Sterling Cutlass…
Are there any guitars (EBSS or Sterling) with a similar (ideally the same) profile that the Sterling Cutlass has?
tl:dr – love the Sterling Cutlass neck profile but found the EBMM Cutlass to be quite different – is there anything in the EBMM with a similar profile and/or do any Sterlings have the same profile as their Cutlass?
Thanks in advance!