NYNGD: New Year's New Guitar Days! NYNGD #2021-4

NYNGD: New Year's New Guitar Days! NYNGD #2021-4

Welcome to Day 4 of my annual New Year’s New Guitar Days (NYNGD)!

Thanks for the kind words and comments on NYNGD #2021-3! Sorry I’ve been absentee for 10 days… super busy these days and my daughter was home from college for winter break, back to work after a few weeks off, etc., etc. OK, Jeff, get on with it…

Alright, so… you all know that I’m a big Luke III fan (30 of ’em so far) and I have a few Luke 1’s (4 of ’em, one being a Sledge reissue) because I love the…

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Source: http://forums.ernieball.com