New purchase 1988 Stingray 5
The color seems to be a custom order. To my eye it seems to be between a coral and Dakota red.
The knobs are painted white.
The neck finish is more of a thin oil and wax finish.
The pickup has a phantom coil.
According to the seller, he contacted EBMM and they told him that the bass was shipped to the Artist Relations Department and that the artist could have requested these features.
That is definitely intriguing. I would love to see if I can get more information about this bass.
I was looking for an early SR 5 and this seems to be a great example. I may have paid a little too much for it, but I have had a blast with it so far. It is a really powerful bass. The B string is one of the best I have ever heard, very tight and articulate. I’m still working on setting it up to my taste but it’s a great playing bass.
Anyway, I figured this would be the place to share it. I’ll try to post some pics here.