Neck shapes
I just recently picked up a 2021 sterling Cutlass ct50 HSS… I have never owned a Sterling model before, but was curious. One of the big differences I immediately noticed was that the neck was chunkier vs the EBMM counterpart.
Those of you that may have owned, other EBMM guitars and their Sterling counterparts can you comment on neck profile comparisons?
I need to take measurements again but there was about 1mm difference at the 5-7 fret… That’s a huge difference in my opinion.
Curious your thoughts?
Other than the neck on feeling a little dry on the Cutlass the guitar plays very well. I will give it a nice wax with Birchwood’s Gunstock wax and polish the frets some more, but I’m as a bit disappointed with the chunkier feel….becomes a different guitar completely with a a different neck profile…which is fine…but interesting nonetheless.
Albert Lee EBMM and the Mariposa EBMM necks are most comfortable for me and best suited for my playing style I have found. Was wanting to pick up the Sterling version of each for comparison…but maybe the factory in Indonesia has standardized neck profiles? Being a bit chunkier on all models?