NBD: Incoming Bongo
Now for my impressions. The first thing I want to put to rest, and it was a concern of mine at first, is the playability of the painted neck. I have played on many oil stock necks by music man, and this painted neck plays just as well. There is no difference to me when I play this bongo with its painted neck or my roasted maple neck big al. Both play super fast and there is no drag with the painted neck. I also cannot believe how comfortable the bass is to play both standing and sitting. The sound is also impeccable. I paly in a cover band, and begin able to simple turn the pickup blend knob a little to get something that is extremely plucky and then go the other way to get a smooth powerful tone is awesome. I am extremely happy with this bass.
I have never seen this color on a bongo before, so I am guessing this might be a rare bass, but if anyone knows that this was a color option, I was not looking at bongos until recently, please correct me.
Source: http://forums.ernieball.com