Music Man Vintage Tremolo Wear – How much is too much?
I picked up a used Luke III a while back, and I finally got down to doing a tear down to re-shim the neck. Took out the brown shim, and put in the Pink, and it’s definitely better. Tonight is the full set up and intonation breakdown.
When I had it apart, I pulled the tremolo out to clean off the saddles a bit, and just check the overall “health” of the unit, as it were. This guitar was definitely used, though not ABused. Still, there is some wear to the contact points. It does not seem to affect the tuning stability, but I was wondering how much wear most considered acceptable, and what the options are should I ever need a new bridge plate and posts.
I should have taken pictures, but I was kinda in the zone and hand buffing some areas on the body, so I didn’t really stop until it was all back in one piece.