Looking to buy back guitar – bfr 2017 valentine ivory white
Looking to buy back this guitar that I traded towards the back end of last year like a muppet. My mum has recently passed, and her and my dad had bought it outright so I didn’t have to pay the finance on it. It would mean the world to me to buy it back as it would never be leaving my possession again. I have tried following the trail but it has gone cold – fairly sure it’s still in the UK. If the person who has this could let me know if they have it even if they don’t want to part with it currently so I can be first dibs if they ever change their mind. You can get me on here or on Facebook, search Benji Levin.
Musicman BFR Valentine in Ivory White from 2017, serial number is: G81815. Main other identifying aspect is that the neck has flame and another pattern that cross over towards the bottom, making it rather distinct.
Appreciate any help!
Source: http://forums.ernieball.com