Install and support on Mac OS X

Install and support on Mac OS X

I bought Clarity M, but I cannot install it on my main system.  The website mentions ProTools 10 compatibility on Mac OS X, and that there is a 32 bit AAX version of the plug-in… but the installer won’t run on my PT10 Mac, which is running 10.8.5.  I see in the system requirements that Clarity M plug-in requires 10.9, but then it also says PT10 and AAX 32.  The problem is… PT10 is not supported on OSX Mavericks… it never has and never will be.  The last OSX version that PT10 and AAX32 plug-in format runs on is 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion.)  So this is a bit of a contradiction… I do have PT12 running on a laptop with OSX Sierra, but that is not the Mac that I use for mixing and mastering.  Is there a way I can run the Clarity M installer, and then copy some files over to my main PT10 studio machine?

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