Help: Guitar signal clipping before going into DAW?

Help: Guitar signal clipping before going into DAW?

Im having a potential issue with recording guitar into Reaper. It seems that the signal coming from my guitar is too hot maybe and getting clipped or limited before being processed by the DAW.

My signal chain is:
musicmann jason richardson 7 string
radial pro DI box
focusrite scarlett 2i2 3rd gen
reaper DAW
NeuralDSP Nolly pluggin

The tone sounds great but the waveforms are clearly getting clipped a little when im playing. I have the gain knob on the scarlet set to where it stays just in the green no matter how hard I pick (playing metal). Im not using the dB booster on the pickup.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	musicman waveform.png 
Views:	0 
Size:	42.3 KB 
ID:	36808

Im nut sure if there is a setting i can change somewhere to help de-clip the signal or if i need to get a good declipping pluggin to use or what? Any help would be appreciated. Been trying to post on the Reaper forums but its taking forever for my account to get activated.

Thanks in advance.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	musicman waveform.png 
Views:	N/A 
Size:	42.3 KB 
ID:	36808

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