Help: Exchange or refund of a multiple-time repaired brand new guitar
The issues with this guitar seem to never end and it has caused me more trouble than good. I’ve only enjoyed this guitar for a few of days since I bought it, and the rest of the time, it was either waiting for repair, or causing issues that made it unplayable. The store doesn’t carry Musicman guitars anymore, and this was one of their last ones, that had a discount on it as well.
I desperately would want to either get a refund, or exchange this guitar for a brand new one. The store people have been nice to me and I have been very polite with them as well, but I’m not sure given that this guitar was purchased last September, they would get it refunded or exchanged for me. I don’t know whether the Musicman could step in and help me with this frustrating problem. I’m not sure what I can do at this stage. I’ve put all my hard earned money into this guitar that didn’t serve me with its intended purpose. I’d be grateful if you could give me some advice. Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.