Flashback 2 footswitch plays incorrect toneprint

Flashback 2 footswitch plays incorrect toneprint

I’m new here and apologize if this problem has already been addressed in the forum.

Anyway, I have created a toneprint (reverse without the initial, forward note – like holding down mash in the reverse mode) and assigned it to Toneprint #3. With the dial set for Toneprint #3, if I use the footswitch to turn engage the unit, my created toneprint plays incorrectly (it plays the unwanted initial, forward note along with the reverse echoes). However, if I then change the dial to another setting and back to Toneprint #3 (while the unit is still engaged), my toneprint works fine (without the initial forward note).

This is inconvenient because I would like to be able to play my reverse toneprint as soon as I engage the pedal with the footswitch. (For now, I have to engage the pedal with the footswitch, and then bend down to switch the dial to Toneprint #3 as I’m playing.)

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?
Thanks very much!

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Source: http://forum.tcelectronic.com