Ditto sample rate / bit depth / export files process

Ditto sample rate / bit depth / export files process


The blurb about the stereo Ditto (http://www.tcelectronic.com/ditto-stereo-/) says it records in ’24-bit uncompressed high quality audio’. It also says ‘CD quality’. These are two different things, CD being 16-bit. Would I be right in assuming they mean 24-bit/44.1kHz audio?

I have been working with a couple of Dittos but I want to get one that I can import/export to. The blurb doesn’t describe how import/export works. Is it USB? Does it work like a USB stick (ie, files show up in your file system), or does it require a special app. Are the resulting files .wav or something else?


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Source: http://forum.tcelectronic.com