Changed my Tuning Machines (heresy?)

Changed my Tuning Machines (heresy?)

Ok, so, whilst respect schaller’s products (I use their strap locks exclusively), I do think that Gotoh, with their high end end locking timers are a better quality product.
So, I decided to have a change on one of my Cutlass guitars.
I fancied trying the 1:18 that my friend has on his guitar, but also wanted to try the 1:21 set:

So here is what i bought -SGS510Z – chose the locking version without the wheel on the back and non height adjustable posts -:
SGS510Z | G-GOTOH Ltd.

And this set: SGL510Z, again locking but without the wheel on the back, but for ****s and giggles I thought I’d order it with height adjustable posts, just to make it more fun to play with.
SGL510Z | G-GOTOH Ltd.

I order the Schallers style buttons to remain in keeping with the guitar as it was before, but they certainly offer plenty of choice.

Now this latter set are listed by Gotoh as only suitable for 3 on a side. But after looking at the measurement schematics and measuring the spacing on the cutlass headstock I decide to chance it.

So, both were special order to get the 4 over 2 sets, which took a couple of months, but the ordering was easy through my mates luthiery business (also meant I got a good deal ;))

And I have to say the SGL510Z came out as a perfect fit on the cutlass headstock. From the front you can’t tell any difference, so I’ve just added the back photo here.

The tuning is super precise and holds better than the Schallers – so I’m a convert and gonna be changing over wholesale. Even just the feel of the mechanism outdoes Schallers.

YMMV but for me this is great! The other set are going on my Hunter Hayes. And the Schallers going up for sale. For me these are a definite upgrade. I’ll probably order some with the locking version that uses the rear wheel next to mix it up a bit

So, have I committed heresy? Answers below…

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