20 years with my first SR4
This post is a week and a bit late, but I was thinking of how it was the summer of 2001 that I bought my first Stingray and so I looked it up and it was Aug.23rd, that’s 20 years with my SR4 and it’s still going strong… I bought it as the first new instrument I’d ever bought and planned to play it until I wear the finish off… Well, I didn’t know how durable Musicman finishes are and I still have a long way to go…. It wasn’t my number 1 for maybe about half that time as an 85 Stingray took over for quite a while but I ended up going back because this neck is just what I feel all bass necks should be compared to. I’ve kept a record of every gig I’ve played with it which I think will be a special feature for someone someday… Anyway… I’m at work, I haven’t posted on this forum in a long time but thought I would post this… Maybe I’ll get my act together and post some pics when I get home…
Source: http://forums.ernieball.com