Onboard vs Pedal EQ
As many of you know I’m the proud owner of a EBMM Caprice and generally prefer the tone of passive instruments. What I typically will do on my setup is have my Caprice set with the tone cut 25% and the bridge pickup rolled off around 5% for a warm open tone. When I want a more modern sound I kick on my MXR Bass Preamp Pedal which I’ve set at ~4DB at 50hz, ~5DB at 400hz and ~5db at 4khz. This gives me the ability to have both great passive and active tones. I then run the signal through my MXR bass compressor.
This setup allows me to boost my signal with a buffered output and compression. This got me thinking… These three aspects(Buffer/EQ/Compression) are typically why people prefer active basses. I’m curious is their any advantage to having an onboard EQ compared to my setup?
Best Regards,
-Greg P
P.S. I’m slowly falling for a HS Sterling…the active mojo is rubbing off on me 😉
Source: http://forums.ernieball.com