Dee Snider: “If you believe that there’s room for conversation, negotiation and compromise, you’re a moderate”

Dee Snider: “If you believe that there’s room for conversation, negotiation and compromise, you’re a moderate”

Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider has spoken about why he considers himself a “moderate” and not one of “the crazies on the extremes”.

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Explaining his politics on a recent episode of the Hal Sparks radio program, the rocker says, “People ask me, ‘In 2023, what is a moderate?’ They know what a moderate used to be,” Snider says. “But what a moderate is — if you believe that there’s room for conversation, negotiation and compromise, you’re a moderate. If you’re all the way over on the right but you’re willing to talk and consider a compromise, you’re a moderate. And if you’re all the way over on the left, they’re the same.”
“Beyond those lines – and that’s a wide swath – I am in there. And that’s a wide swath. And the bullying minorities on the extremes on either side, they’re very loud, they’re very vocal, they’re very in your face, but they are not [part of the majority]. And people get very confused with me, because one minute I’m being lauded and applauded by the left and reviled by the right, and the next minute I’m being cheered by the right and hated on by the left.”
“I am a moderate,” Snider continues. “Best example of that – I have a Tesla and a Hummer H2. That’s a moderate. I’ve got in that closet behind me – my wife says, ‘You have too many guns.’ But there are no AR-15s and I believe in intelligent gun control. So that’s a moderate.”
He adds, “People [say], ‘What is your deal, man?’ You’re hating on me because I kind of leaned right in the recent press that I’ve gotten. At other times you’re hating on me because I’m a leftie and I was the guy who fought censorship and, ‘How could you wanna wear a mask?’ I’m a moderate. So to try to figure it out — you can’t. Unless you too are a moderate; then you only get what I’m saying. And remember — we are the majority. We are the majority. We decide, not the crazies on the extremes. They don’t decide.”
Check out the full interview below.

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