Optimizing action/angle from 12th to 22nd fret (dealing action lowering up the fretboard)

Optimizing action/angle from 12th to 22nd fret (dealing action lowering up the fretboard)

I’m working on a 2006 AL right now and I’m having trouble setting it up to where the action stays level/raises slightly from frets 12-22.

Everything I’ve done:

Leveled/crowned frets, gave a slight fade away on frets 17 and up

Set relief to .010

Current action above 12th fret: just over 4/64 on high E and 5/64 on low E (with in between strings generally following a proportional gradient)

Meausured the following up against my other 2011 AL (ALHH) maybe the dreamiest playing instrument I…

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Source: http://forums.ernieball.com