Finally got my first music man

Finally got my first music man

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Picked up a Dustin Kensrue model Stingray today. Was looking at a St. Vincent for the last two years or so and was saving up for one until I found out the DK model was going to be a regular model. Then it was an easy decision.

1: Dustin has been my favorite song writer since I picked up Thrice’s Artist in the Ambulance.

2: whenever I would design a guitar on warmth it would be an H-S setup with a trem. Figure this is kinda perfect.

3: ive been wanting a music man for decades….

I’m really loving this guitar! I got it home and threw it through my rig and just loved the tone! A lot lower output than I thought it would be. I was shocked that its lower than my telecaster.

Love the feel. Love the weight. The sustain and attack is perfect.

I got rid of my Les Paul Traditional for this and no regrets!

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Size:	101.8 KB 
ID:	37000

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