Help: JP6 neck questions

Help: JP6 neck questions

Hey all- First post…I’ve owned a Luke I, a couple JPs, and a late 90s Axis (miss that one!). I’ve wanted to revisit a superstrat with a piezo, so I turned to EBMM again.

Just picked up the used JP6. The ad pics were not great, but was said to be in original condition. When I pulled it out of the case I was a bit startled by the neck…a lot thinner than I recall. I mean Ibanez thin. Then I noticed what I thought might have been wear on the clear coat, but coupled with the thin neck feel I began to suspect that the neck was sanded down.

The only other thickness measurements I can fin were posted by this gent a couple years ago:


Originally Posted by PeteDuBaldo

I had a few minutes and measured all the JPs we have in stock with a set of digital calipers, any variations could be from the hand-sanding, or my inability to properly use the calipers.

The flame top Sahara Burst JP15 is approximately 0.775″ thick at the first fret, and 0.825″ at the 12th fret.

The Blueberry Burst JP15 #122 is approximately 0.780″ thick at the first fret, and 0.800″ at the 12th fret.

The Blueberry Burst JP15 #138 is approximately 0.800″ thick at the first fret, and 0.820″ at the 12th fret.

The Blueberry Burst JP15 #186 is approximately 0.770″ thick at the first fret, and 0.825″ at the 12th fret.

The Copper Fire Majesty is approximately 0.785″ thick at the first fret, and 0.865″ at the 12th fret

The Viola Artisan Majesty is approximately 0.780″ thick at the first fret, and 0.890″ at the 12th fret.

The Stealth White JP6 is approximately 0.785″ thick at the first fret, and 0.830″ at the 12th fret

Here are pics of mine…as you can see I’m reading .71″ at second fret. Is this typical? Did I just get a thin carve, or does it seem that this one’s been shaved down? Any insight appreciated.


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