NGD: sterling cutlass with axis ss neck, hear the story….

NGD: sterling cutlass with axis ss neck, hear the story….

So I got a sterling cutlass, took it to my friend Cody’s house. He has a MM axis ss on it’s stand by his amp and his gf comes barging in like a maniac accuses him of some stuff not my concern. All the sudden she grabs the Axis ss and proceeds to smash it 🙁 and then she storms out not knowing what to do I leave. a day later I see Cody again and he has the neck from the Axis SS and he gives it to me and says to put it on the cutlass. I bring it to my house and get the idea to make a Green Day guitar so I take the cutlass to my other friend Nick to see what he can do and a couple of days later I get this.Click image for larger version. 

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Click image for larger version. 

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Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	35242

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