Help: Air bubbles? along fret edges of new Music Man Majesty 6

Help: Air bubbles? along fret edges of new Music Man Majesty 6

Hello all,

I’ve had a MusicMan Majesty 6 in Arctic Dream for about 2 weeks now. I’ve noticed that the finish along the fret edges from the 9th fret on has what appears to be air or glue along side it. I’ve seen a couple other past posts about this topic, but they did not come to the conclusion as to whether this is a significant problem or not.

In short, the guitar is the best guitar I’ve ever played (even in comparison to many other high end instruments I’ve owned or friends have owned) and I’d prefer not to have to return it… This thing is amazing and I got a killer deal on it as it was on clearance at Guitar Center. I am wondering if these imperfections were the reason why it was so heavily discounted–but that also brings me to wonder if this could be a long-term problem or if it drastically affects its value?

Any opinions or advice is appreciated!

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