Help: Wiring schematic for Axis

Help: Wiring schematic for Axis

Somehow all of the soldering joints (except the red one) connecting the neck pickup on my 2002 Axis to the 3-way switch are broken! It should be mentioned that I haven’t had a cavity cover on it for the last 8 years or so (it went missing during maintenance and never showed up again.. :confused: ).
Does anyone have a wiring schematic for this guitar? It doesn’t look too complicated, but I have no idea what color wire goes where.

Hopefully someone is able to help. 🙂

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2019-01-30 20.12.59.jpg 
Views:	0 
Size:	85.2 KB 
ID:	34767

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2019-01-30 20.12.59.jpg 
Views:	N/A 
Size:	85.2 KB 
ID:	34767

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