Ditto x4 v x2: feature loss or training issue?
Recently upgraded from a ditto x2 to an x4. I am experiencing a frustrating loss of functionality that I’m hoping is a training issue or has been solved by a plug-in. Please post thoughts..
X2 looper:
– engage half speed effect
– record first loop
– disengage half speed. Loop than plays at double speed, octave up and sounds awesome.
– i can then record normal speed loops over double speed 1st loop.
– engage half speed effect
– record first loop
– loop immediately plays at half speed. If i disengage effect loop plays at normal speed. Double speed octave up feature is gone.
– if i keep half speed engaged, all future loops must be at half speed which is not great sounding. If i engage double speed effect instead, all loop layers are sped up which doesn’t typically work well.
I feel like this is a loss of a great feature and was probably my favorite thing about the x2. Is this a training issue? Or is this something that others did not find useful? Thank you!
Source: http://forum.tcelectronic.com