New(ish) Axis loose wire? :s

New(ish) Axis loose wire? :s

Hi all,

First time poster to this forum, but been a long time /EVH fan.

My first proper electric was an OLP MM1F about 10 years ago, and recently found a nice Axis for a very good price, so bit the bullet and bought it online sight unseen!

Its amazing to play, feels just like home and brings back so many memory’s of first learning how to play and a lot of nostalgia.

Out of curiosity, I opened up the control cavity, and I’ve found this loose wire hanging out not connected to anything. Can someone enlighten me as to what this is? It wouldn’t be to ground the other side of the control plate would it?

Click image for larger version. 

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Click image for larger version. 

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Click image for larger version. 

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