TC Teleport promises long distance information
Those restless souls at TC Electronic have been setting their minds to a problem that besets guitarists who use long cable runs – the loss of signal integrity, which means all important tone, and the answer that they’ve come up with is the Teleport – Guitar Transmission System.
Teleport carries a guitar signal up to 300 feet (100 m) with zero loss, shielding tone from interference by using high quality components, TC says. The active Teleport transmitter converts the unbalanced signal to a balanced one and drives it to the receiver, where it is transformed back to an unbalanced signal with tone preserved.
Designed for use either on stage or in recording environments, no UK prices have been announced but as a guide, in the USA the Teleport boxes (two are required) have an MAP of $69.99 each
Info: www.tcelectronic.com
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Source: musicinstrumentnews.co.uk